API Documentation

Providers module

This module contains an RDFProvider, an implementation of the skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider interface that uses a rdflib.graph.Graph as input.

class skosprovider_rdf.providers.RDFProvider(metadata, graph, **kwargs)[source]

Should the provider only take concepts into account explicitly linked to the conceptscheme?

check_in_scheme = False

A simple vocabulary provider that use an rdflib.graph.Graph as input. The provider expects a RDF graph with elements that represent the SKOS concepts and collections.

Please be aware that this provider needs to load the entire graph in memory.


data of binary type or literal type that needs to be converted to text. :param data :return: text representation of the data

Utils module

This module contains utility functions for dealing with skos providers.

skosprovider_rdf.utils.rdf_c_dumper(provider, c)[source]

Dump one concept or collection from a provider to a format that can be passed to a skosprovider.providers.RDFProvider.

Return type:



Dump all information of the conceptscheme of a provider to a format that can be passed to a skosprovider.providers.RDFProvider.

Parameters:provider (skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider) – The provider that wil be turned into an rdflib.graph.Graph.
Return type:rdflib.graph.Graph

Dump a provider to a format that can be passed to a skosprovider.providers.RDFProvider.

Parameters:provider (skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider) – The provider that wil be turned into an rdflib.graph.Graph.
Return type:rdflib.graph.Graph
skosprovider_rdf.utils.text_(s, encoding=u'latin-1', errors=u'strict')[source]

If s is an instance of binary_type, return s.decode(encoding, errors), otherwise return s